Music touches the heart and reignites the soul

2016 Elda dancing with a nice looking young man.
Elda and her son Jerry dancing.

We called the following pages inspiration because most caretakers lose steam, find themselves exhausted, tired and or depressed and unmotivated. It is easy too loose your direction and/or joy overtime. It is hard to care for yourself as well as another person who not only depends on you 100% but is ever changing, especially if there is no support system or relief. What began as an act of love becomes increasingly harder and emotionally draining.

I left my job to become a full-time caretaker. That stress alone has motivated me to not only keep my mother Elda busy, but to keep myself busy, otherwise I would drive myself crazy with my own worries about my lack of life. A balance can be found, and it may be easier than you think. It is our hopes that other people in the same situation can find this balance and be equally as inspired.

When people see my mother, they are amazed at how she looks and that she is still out and about. I am often told what a wonderful job I am doing with her, and at the same time they say they don’t understand how I do what I do. The time I dedicate to finding things for her to do, is because I see the difference in Elda, she is happier, calmer and just lovable when she is busy; and that makes my life easier and happier as well. People assume I can do this because I am an artist but that is not the case, I am simply inspired, however, there are certain aspects of how I care for her that lean heavily towards the arts. There is no point in caretaking my mother if I am not happy, if she is not happy, I need to be at peace with being a caretaker, especially because we have arrived at a time where communication is extremely difficult.

I understand that Alzheimer’s is a degenerative disease, but I believe that the mind and soul of a person is their essence and if we are stimulated we can feel enjoyment and feel viable in one way or another. I don’t believe I can cure my mother, but I do believe that no matter what our situations are, we can have a good quality of life and we can live with happiness and joy. That is my goal.

Music has been an intricate part in Elda's care as well as other activities we do together. We all love music so adding it into our daily routines has not been difficult and it is just enjoyable. It's the one activity that does not require thought yet allows you to feel inspired, happy, loved and numerous other emotions. It has been a way for Elda to express herself without words and that is beautiful.